Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway

Historical Sites and Heritage Locations

The Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway was formed in 1994 under the auspices of the Red Cliffs Rotary Club to operate the restored Kerr Stuart 0-4-2T steam locomotive named 'Lukee' B/N 742/1901, that formerly operated between Red Cliffs railway station and the Red Cliffs pumping station. A two kilometre section of the former 1600 millimetre gauge Red Cliffs. Morkalla branch line has been converted to 610 millimetre gauge for tourist train operation.
Departing Karadoc
Steam Locomotive "Lukee on the turntable
Team Locomotive "Lukee"
Diesel Locomotive "Harry"
From the signal tower
All steamed up
The return journey
Double ender

In 2004, Red Cliffs Historical Railway purchased an EM Baldwin diesel locomotive which after extensive renovation by members Russell Savage and John Page was commissioned in June 2005. Named 'Harry' the Locomotive regularly shares running days with 'Lukee' and gives the Railway the flexibility of one off specials.

Red Cliffs Historical Steam Railway is located on the corner of the Calder Highway and Millewa Road Red Cliffs and is approximately two kilometres from the Red Cliffs township.

The Railway operates on the first Sunday of the Month except January and February.

The Railway also operates on the Sundays of Victorian Labour Day and Queen's Birthday long weekends and Easter Sunday



2 Millewa Road, Red Cliffs, Victoria, 3496

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