Booking Terms and Conditions
Check in
Check out
Reception hours
Changes & cancellations
Refund Policy
- Please see the below cancellation fees for the accommodation in which you have booked.
- We do not refund FOR LATE CANCELLATIONS OR for early departure.
Off-Peak Periods
- For off peak cancellations there is a minimum $30.00 administration fee.
- If you cancel your booking and advise us at least 14 days prior to the date of booking, we'll refund the balance of your deposit, minus the administration fee.
- Any cancellations made with less than 14 days notice will forfeit your deposit.
- For off peak cancellations there is a minimum $50.00 administration fee.
- If you cancel your booking and advise us at least 14 days prior to the date of booking, we'll refund the balance of your deposit, minus the administration fee.
- Any cancellations made with less than 14 days notice will forfeit your deposit.
Luxury Apartments:
- For off peak period cancellations there is a $100 administration fee.
- If you cancel your booking and advise us at least 21 days prior to the date of your booking, we'll refund the balance of your deposit, minus the administration fee.
- Any cancellations made with less than 21 days notice will forfeit your deposit.
Peak Periods
- For peak period cancellations there is a minimum $50.00 administration fee.
- If you cancel your booking and advise us at least 21 days prior to the date of your booking, we'll refund the balance of your deposit, minus the administration fee.
- All cancellations made with less than 21 days notice will forfeit your deposit.
- For peak period cancellations there is a $100 administration fee.
- If you cancel your booking and advise us at least 21 days prior to the date of your booking, we'll refund the balance of your deposit, minus the administration fee.
- Any cancellations made with less than 21 days notice will forfeit your deposit.
Luxury Apartments:
- For peak period cancellations there is a $150 administration fee.
- If you cancel your booking and advise us at least 21 days prior to the date of your booking, we'll refund the balance of your deposit, minus the administration fee.
- Any cancellations made with less than 21 days notice will forfeit your deposit.
Any further refund will be at Murray River Hideaway's absolute discretion, depending upon the situation.
- Dog form required to be filled in upon arrival.
- No animals are permitted in the Park other than approved dogs at Managers discretion.
- Strict terms and conditions apply.
Deposits & payments
Bookings & Deposits
- We accept bookings up to 12 months in advance.
- Upon making a booking a minimum 50% deposit is payable.
- Bookings are on a first-come first-served basis.
Luxury Apartments, Cabins & Campsites
- Cabins and camp Sites require a minimum 50% deposit on the day of booking.
- Payment plans are available up to 1st December.
- Minimum booking period applies over holiday periods.
What you need to know
BIG4 Holiday Parks of Australia Pty Ltd is not the owner of any particular BIG4 Holiday Park or park listed on BIG4 Holiday Parks facilitates this booking service and is not responsible for the provision of services, standard of facilities or payments received. All bookings are made directly with the individual owner of this park and therefore BIG4 Holiday Parks will not accept any claims for refunds or credits.