Booking terms and conditions
Check in
Check out
Reception hours
Changes & cancellations
Pets must be kept on lead at all times and not left unsupervised.
Deposits & payments
Visitors are welcome but must report to reception and park their vehicle in the allocated visitor car park. All visitors must leave the property by 10pm otherwise they will be charged as a guest.
What you need to know
We recommend stopping off in George Town before you check in to pick up groceries or a bite to eat. There is a Woolworths Supermarket open until 9pm, BWS Bottle Shop, ATM facilities and takeaway and dining out options that are open 7 days. We have a small kiosk in reception with a few snack/convience items or there is an IGA Supermarket also open 7 days located 2.3 kilometres from the park. We stock change for washing machines and dryers in reception.
BIG4 Holiday Parks of Australia Pty Ltd is not the owner of any particular BIG4 Holiday Park. BIG4 Holiday Parks facilitates this booking service and is not responsible for the provision of services, standard of facilities or payments received. All bookings are made directly with the individual owner of this BIG4 Member Park and therefore BIG4 Holiday Parks will not accept any claims for refunds or credits.