The World - Goldtower Central

Landmarks and Buildings

Delve into the rich history of ‘The Town They Called The World’ by visiting the Australian Street Art Award's Best Monument/Memorial, The World.
The World
Welcome to the World!
The World at Goldtower Central
The World at Goldtower Central
The World at Goldtower Central
QR Code prompting people to check into the World at Goldtower Central
Goldtower’s very own monumental tribute, The World.

Located at Goldtower Central, you will discover The World; a striking tribute to a bygone era when Charters Towers was known as The World. Seven meters in height and four meters in diameter this solid structure is anchored on a granite base adorned with the tales of the Town.

Unveiled as a commemorative gift to celebrate 150 years since the declaration of the goldfields, this magnificent sculpture was a generous gift from Goldtower Centrals owner Paul McIver. The World beckons you to embark on a captivating and historic journey through time.

Make your mark on history like never before by becoming a citizen of The World. Simply scan the QR code located at the statue and receive your unique citizen number. This immersive experience fosters a sense of belonging, allowing you to forge a personal connection to Charters Towers’ golden legacy.

The World stands as a historical landmark summoning all explorers and history enthusiasts alike. Easily accessible through the Goldtower Central Shopping Precinct and the Columbia Gold Mine rest stop, it offers a journey into the past, seamlessly blending modern convenience with charm and antiquity

Your expedition to "The World" awaits!



30 New Queen Road, Queensland, 4820