Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail

Historical Sites and Heritage Locations

Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail is managed by an incorporated association aiming to develop and maintain a rail trail along the disused rail corridor from Taragoola (near Gladstone, Central Queensland), through the Boyne Valley, on to Monto, Eidsvold, Mundubbera and south through Gayndah.
Six Tunnels in close succession
Camping area at Golembil Siding
Tunnels in the Dawes Range near Golembil
The corridor is an inland link between Gladstone and Gayndah, which has great potential to attract tourists in numbers. When fully developed it will be 270 km long, at present there is about 70 kms open in two sections.

Travelling along the trail from the South we have developed the Burnett Bridges section, with several bridges, magnificent river views, citrus orchards and birdlife.

Further north on the other major developed section is the Dawes Range tunnels. The first 600 metres from the Barrimoon Siding to the first tunnel has all abilities access including toilets at Barrimoon. There are six tunnels and in between there are great views across the valley to Kroombit Tops.



17 Bancroft School Road, Queensland, 4630