My Own Two Eyes

Exhibitions and Shows

My Own Two Eyes: People, Places, and Things is a captivating photographic exhibition by digital nomad Robyn Flemming. Through her lens, Robyn captures stunning scenes from her travels across the globe, including Malaysia, Türkiye, Europe, and beyond.
A bridge towers above, a mosque can be seen across the river
View of the Hagia Sofia mosque in Istanbul, Turkiye
A portrait photograph of Robyn Flemming
Robyn has been travelling the world since 2010. She is a freelance editor and the author of Skinful: A Memoir of Addiction. She takes photographs to record the different things she sees and to see familiar things differently. She has made a home base on a crocodile-infested river in the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo.



Griffith Road, New South Wales, 2641